"Its's not just about ideas It's about making ideas happen do it, because Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Children are curious beings. The question about all the things that they see or they do. They explore a lot going on in their surroundings and turn out to
In the recent few years, STEM education has come into the picture. But, what exactly is STEM education? STEM education is nothing but the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. All four of this in unison
creates the STEM education. So, now the question comes why such education to a mere child in their early childhood in particular? The answer to this might have numerous reasons. Among them in particular is that STEM education helps to educate the children by providing them with the most practical knowledge possible. It helps them to create a relationship between their curiosity and their surroundings. It also fulfills their curiosity by providing them with answers. According to the U.S. Department of Labor there remains a gap between what students are learning, and what business and industry need. They have identified as to why a skill gap exists. One of which is a shortage of graduates for “in-demand jobs in healthcare, engineering, computer science, and advanced manufacturing,” all of which are STEM-related fields.
When there is the promotion of any new product which includes Science, calculations, engineering, and technology, then STEM education comes in the picture. STEM involves introducing new
concepts to children through various activities and games. The children don’t just stay put to traditional learning, but more of a combination of both practical and theory. STEM also educates children to cope up with real-life problems and helps them to find out the best possible solution to overcome it. This in turn creates creativity, innovativeness, and problem-solving skills within the children and that too at a very small age. Since early childhood is the best time to develop new habits and builds a foundation, thus these skills will come as naturally as learning how to walk or eat.
Many of us might know a famous technique of memorizing things known as the Loci method. This is a method whose strategy is of memory enhancement which uses visualization of familiar environments to enhance the recall of information.
It is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. Thus the technique of STEM education also involves the nourishment of memory. When a child, practices or experience something they tend to remember that particular event more easily rather than when they tend to read something. Phil Gedart, in an article of his, says that knowledge gained through traditional learning is five percent, whereas, through STEM learning, it grows up to ninety percent. Thus it is important to introduce STEM into their teaching and encourage them to take interest in it and help them to integrate this in their lives for they hold the building up and strengthening of our country. Thus STEM learning is a smart choice that everybody needs to make.
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